Archive for December, 2009

Quatre de Nice Poker Pros

December 12th, 2009
[ English ]

Des millions et des millions de joueurs veulent être le prochain "big time-chose» dans le poker, mais voici une courte liste de quatre des plus connu «Les gars de charme" de la partie. Malgré le fait que "Nice" est liée à leurs noms quand vous êtes assis en face de eux, c'est "pas plus Mr. Nice Guy" jusqu'à ce qu'ils vous ont mis hors de la compétition!

Daniel Negreanu

En deux mille quatre, son vainqueur du tournoi additionnées à plus de quatre millions et demi de dollars et il a capturé deux immensément respecté bourses dans le Lecteur WSOP de l'année et Cardplayer Magazine's Tournament Joueur de l'Année. En Février 2006, il a été nommé Card Player's Favourite Poker Player. Daniel a toujours l'humilité de parler avec ses fans sur la façon dont ils pourraient faire avancer leur propre terrain.

Howard Lederer

Connu sous le nom "The Professor" et frère de pro du poker Annie Duke. Son succès a conduit à lui faire une vidéo d'instruction nommée "Secrets of No Limit Hold'em" et contenant également une exposition de tournois de poker pour la Fox. A partir de 2005, ses gains de vie totale dépasse 2,7 millions de dollars.

Scotty Nguyen

Scotty est un des acteurs les plus fréquentés au poker et à partir de 2000 et 2004 il a terminé dans l'argent dans plus d'une centaine de tournois. Il est reconnu pour dire «yeah baby» pendant les matches de poker et aussi crédité de la phrase "That's Poker Baby» en faisant référence à une perte particulièrement mauvaises. En 2006, ses gains à vie sont presque six millions de dollars.

Chris Ferguson

Chris a remporté cinq titres de World Series of Poker avec 2 de ses succès à venir en 2003. A le surnom de "Jésus" à la suite de sa longue chevelure et sa barbe caractéristique, et est capable de jeter des cartes assez rapide de fendre des bananes et des cornichons. À partir de deux mille cinq au total de son tournoi de poker live bénéfice a dépassé cinq millions de dollars.

Quattro di Nizza Poker Pro

December 12th, 2009
[ English ]

Letteralmente milioni e milioni di giocatori vogliono essere il prossimo "big time-cosa" nel poker, ma ecco un breve elenco di quattro dei più noti "ragazzi di charme" del gioco. Nonostante il fatto che "bello" è collegato con i loro nomi quando si sono seduti a tavola davanti a loro è "No More Mr. Nice Guy" fino a quando non hanno messo fuori del concorso!

Daniel Negreanu

Nel duemila e quattro, la vincita del torneo ha aggiunto fino a più di quattro milioni e mezzo di dollari e ha catturato due immensamente rispettato premi nelle WSOP Player of the Year e Cardplayer Magazine's Tournament Player of the Year. Nel febbraio 2006 è stato nominato Card Player's Favourite Poker Player. Daniel ha ancora l'umiltà di parlare con i suoi fans a proposito di come si potrebbe avanzare il loro stesso gioco.

Howard Lederer

Conosciuto come "Il Professore" e fratello del poker colleghi pro Annie Duke. Il suo successo ha portato a lui fare un video didattico denominato "I segreti di No Limit Hold'em" e anche in possesso di un torneo di poker show per la Fox. A partire dal 2005, i suoi guadagni vita totale supera 2,7 milioni di dollari.

Scotty Nguyen

Scotty è uno degli attori più attivi nel poker e dal 2000 e il 2004 è finito in denaro in oltre un centinaio di tornei. Egli è noto per dire "yeah baby" durante le partite di poker e inoltre attribuita la frase "that's baby poker" quando ci si riferisce ad una perdita di particolarmente brutto. A partire dal 2006, le sue vincite tempo di vita sono quasi sei milioni di dollari.

Chris Ferguson

Chris ha vinto cinque World Series of Poker con 2 titoli dei suoi successi venuta nel 2003. È il soprannome di "Gesù" a causa della sua caratteristica capelli lunghi e barba, ed è in grado di gettare le carte abbastanza veloce per tagliare attraverso le banane e sottaceti. Del duemilacinque totale suoi guadagni torneo di poker dal vivo superato cinque milioni di dollari.

Vier von Nizza Poker Pros

December 12th, 2009
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Buchstäblich Millionen und Millionen von Spielern wollen die nächste "big-time thing" im Poker, aber hier ist eine kurze Liste von vier der mehr bekannten "charmante Jungs" des Spiels. Trotz der Tatsache, dass "nett" ist mit ihren Namen, wenn Sie sitzen, über den Tisch von ihnen ist es "no more Mr. Nice Guy", bis sie euch von der Konkurrenz außer Betrieb gesetzt haben eingeloggt!

Daniel Negreanu

In Two Thousand and Four, seine Turniergewinne beliefen sich auf mehr als viereinhalb Millionen Dollar und eroberte er zwei immens eingehalten Auszeichnungen in der WSOP Player of the Year und Kartenspieler Magazine's Tournament Player of the Year. Im Februar 2006 wurde er zum Lieblings-Card Player Poker Player. Daniel hat immer noch die Demut, mit seinen Fans zu, wie sie ihre eigenen Spiel vorher zu sprechen.

Howard Lederer

Bekannt als "The Professor" und Geschwister von Kolleginnen und Poker-Profi Annie Duke. Sein Erfolg hat dazu geführt, dass ihm ein Lehr-Video namens "Secrets of No Limit Hold'em" und auch im Besitz einer Poker-Turnier für Fox zeigen. Ab dem Jahr 2005 zu übertreffen sein Leben insgesamt 2,7 Millionen Dollar Gewinn.

Scotty Nguyen

Scotty ist einer der belebtesten Spieler im Poker und von 2000 bis 2004 beendete er das Geld in weit über hundert Turniere. Er ist zu sagen "yeah baby" im Poker-Spiele und auch mit dem Satz "dass Poker Baby", wenn es um einen besonders schlechten Verlust gutgeschrieben wurde zur Kenntnis genommen. Seit 2006 ist sein Leben Zeit Gewinne fast sechs Millionen Dollar.

Chris Ferguson

Chris hat fünf World Series of Poker 2 Titel mit seiner Erfolge kommen im Jahr 2003 gewonnen. Hat sich den Spitznamen "Jesus" als Ergebnis seiner charakteristischen langen Haaren und Bart und ist in der Lage, Karten schnell genug, um durch Bananen und Gurken Scheibe zu werfen. Wie von zwei tausend und fünf seiner insgesamt Live-Poker-Turnier Ergebnis übertroffen fünf Millionen Dollar.

Cuatro de Niza Poker Pros

December 12th, 2009
[ English ]

Literalmente, millones y millones de jugadores quieren ser el próximo "tiempo de gran cosa" en el póker, pero aquí está una lista corta de cuatro de los más conocidos "chicos con encanto" del juego. A pesar de que "bueno" está relacionado con sus nombres cuando se está sentado a la mesa con ellos es "no more Mr. Nice guy", hasta que te han puesto fuera de la competencia!

Daniel Negreanu

En dos mil cuatro, sus ganancias en torneos suman a más de cuatro millones y medio de dólares y se capturó a dos premios inmensamente respetado en el Reproductor de WSOP del año y jugador de cartas de la revista del torneo el jugador del año. En febrero de 2006 fue nombrado Jugador Favorito Card Poker Player. Daniel aún tiene la humildad de hablar con sus fans acerca de cómo se podría avanzar en su propio juego.

Howard Lederer

Conocido como "El Profesor" y hermano de otro profesional de póquer Annie Duke. Su éxito le ha llevado a hacer un video instructivo llamado "Secretos de Hold'em Sin Límite", y también celebración de un espectáculo de torneos de póquer para Fox. A partir de 2005, la vida total de sus ingresos superan 2,7 millones de dólares.

Scotty Nguyen

Scotty es uno de los más activos jugadores en el poker y entre 2000 y 2004 terminó en el dinero en más de cien torneos. También es famoso por decir "yeah baby" durante los partidos de póquer y también se acredita con la frase "que el bebé de póquer" cuando se refiere a una pérdida particularmente malo. A partir de 2006, sus ganancias de por vida son casi seis millones de dólares.

Chris Ferguson

Chris ha ganado cinco títulos de la Serie Mundial de Poker con 2 de sus próximos éxitos en 2003. Tiene el apodo de "Jesús" como resultado de su característico pelo largo y barba, y es capaz de lanzar las tarjetas lo suficientemente rápido para cortar a través de los plátanos y encurtidos. A partir de dos mil cinco, el total de ingresos torneo de póquer en vivo superó cinco millones de dólares.

The History of Poker Chips

December 11th, 2009
[ English ]

Poker chips have been made from a varied range of materials in an almost infinite variety of variations since the advent of wagering and the need to keep an eye on winnings. The most commonly seen components used at present in the manufacture of cutting-edge poker chips are plastic, clay composite, and acrylics. Clay chips, the primary of the bunch, have been manufactured in the US since the late 1800s.

Back in the 19th century, poker players appear to be using any tiny item with value you can imagine. Early poker enthusiasts at times employed jagged gold pieces along with chips – normally made of wood and clay. By the 20th century, poker chip designs started to employ a greater prominence, and the smooth sides of older chips were given up to chips with engraved slits to keep them neatly arranged with each other.

There is little doubt that poker has gotten bigger constantly in appeal since its origin in the 19th century. With the huge increase of internet gambling and unique television shows, community appeal in poker has feed the fire a lot faster than ever before. Most folks are initially introduced to poker by TV showslike Bravo’s "Celebrity Poker Showdown" or the Travel Channel’s "World Poker Tour," and most will participate in their 1st hands on the net. Despite internet poker’s growth, nothing replaces the feeling of holding weighty poker chips in your hands, tossing chips into the middle of a poker table, or stacking tall pilesstacks of chips after showing a winning hand.

Internet Poker Hints

December 10th, 2009

If you’re new to gambling on poker or would like to learn more about the variations and boost your skill set, you might want to attempt playing at a net poker casino. At a first-rate poker site you can get internet poker tricks that will be of assistance to you get going and have even more confidence in your abilities to gamble and succeed. A poker room will have experienced players who will provide to you web poker hints about all aspects of the games. These are made up of tricks about any variations you are enticed by from texas holdem to omaha high to five Card Stud.

With these net poker tips you will learn which hands to play and which hands to step away from. You’ll discover which hands to bet on and how much to bet with a unique hand. The professionals will also give you web poker pointers about when and just how to trick and how to spot your opposition gamblers who might be tricking. At the poker casino you’ll have the chance to test these abilities competing against other players in either no cost poker sites or money tables where you can pick your level of risk.

You can also make use of the poker hints you see when you choose to enroll in a tournament. These tournaments come in assorted formats and have various buy-ins and prize amounts to suit everyone. You won’t get this style of experience at a regular betting house. This is why most of the hot new poker players on the professional poker tour began at a net poker site. So while you may not ever grow into a poker star, you will be able to boost your abilities and gamble with more assuredness by logging on to an excellent poker casino.

NL Hold’em Poker- Howard Lederer?

December 9th, 2009
[ English ]

Howard Lederer grew up in a family of 5 where he loved betting on various card games when he was young. He discovered himself getting really competitive in the above-mentioned card games as he was playing his father. After graduating from secondary school, Howard decided to place college on hold for a bit and moved away to New York City to compete in some serious chess. While playing chess, he was introduced to a poker game taking place in the back of the room. Howard’s 1st 2 years were rough as he would play extensive hours and don’t win a majority of the time. He made some additional money by becoming an assistant for the poker enthusiasts. He believed he possibly could better his game by analyzing his life away from poker. He made an effort to get more sleep and focus even more on the game.

The real improvement in his game happened when he started playing at the Mayfair Club in New York. The Mayfair was a bridge and backgammon club where the best players would regularly challenge each other. He was able to access a number of the greatest minds in chess. With their help, he would tweak his logical thinking abilities. He used these strategy concepts in the game of No-Limit holdem.

Howard Lederer also assisted his sister Annie Duke learn poker. She was an excellent student of poker as she constantly asked questions about the right way to make the proper decision. Howard told Annie Duke to head out to Sin City and compete in the World Series of Poker competition. Annie Duke is one of the greatest women players the poker arena ever. He relocated to Las Vegas in 1993 and participated in money games for the next decade. When the WPT grew in popularity, Howard decided to play more tournaments.

Internet Poker Gambling

December 7th, 2009

One of the more beloved pastimes these days is poker. You will watch it on the television, in video and personal games, and also in national championships at various civic halls. If you’ve wondering about trying to master the game, but are a bit chickenhearted of the tough challengers in a real-time game or tournament, why not try internet poker wagering?

Almost all web poker wagering sites are incredibly accepting to people just learning the game. With a choice of accompaniments and wagering options, novices can get comfortable with their poker game ahead of gambling any cash making a wager. These safe and secure sites prohibit treachery and guard gamblers’ cash with top of the line safety features.

Web poker gambling gives you all the benefits and fun of the game and allows you to master the basics and not betting tonnes of money. There are tables to play with very low antes or even other sites that you can wager with practice funds. This gives you an opportunity to check out exactly how web poker betting functions and perfect your skills before graduating on to higher risk games and events.

A few internet poker betting sites even have exclusive informative websites that can help teach the game of poker to new users.

Web Casino Poker – The Next Big Wave?

December 2nd, 2009

With the growth of online casinos one game has really come out on top, and that’s net poker. Poker has generally been a preferred choice at the land based betting houses but it was at no time really over displayed. There were consistently an equal amount of other games to pick from. But now that casino gambling has made its way on to the net, poker appears to be the most commanding draw in the industry. There are complete internet betting house sites dedicated strictly to the game of poker.

Poker has normally done well at real life betting houses and in private circles. The perception of a bunch of buddies getting together in a smoke filled room to gamble on poker is an old stereotype but still absolutely exists. The reason that poker is so beloved is largely because of the coverage increase it has received. Live television coverage of no limit poker tournament regularly backed by online casinos have been instrumental for spreading poker perception on the internet.

TV stars have been quick to back the card game and even a couple of poker casinos on the net. Poker is also well-loved seeing as it’s a game that requires more than just the luck of the draw or the push of a button. Online poker calls for skills, ability, strategy and a tonne of practice.

Poker Online Site

December 2nd, 2009

A poker internet site is an excellent method to wager on and win cash! Get to know different players, discover new tricks and pointers, and enjoy yourself, whenever you want! It’s simple to join an internet poker site and begin betting today. You are able to use any web directory to locate the internet poker casino of your choice. Then, choose a user id, secure it with a password, and you are all set to start! Additional features like live odds and performance history assist you in monitoring your personal progress, and permits you to instantly analyze your adversaries. Plus, tricks from poker champions are at your finger tips.

There’s no need to worry about maintaining a "Poker Face" when you wager on the internet…you can feel confident that your poker skills are all you require to compete and win!

There are a wide variety of online poker rooms, from Texas Hold’Em to omaha/8 to 5 Card Stud, so you can be sure to find a variation you’ll love! And, with options like net tournaments, you will discover a poker variation that will challenge your expertise. Whether you’re just beginning to learn how to wager on poker, or you are a seasoned tournament competitor, there is a great poker site to meet your needs.

Master poker at your own pace, free of the anxiety of the land based casino poker table, or further and hone your poker abilities, whenever you wish. A poker web site brings all the adventure of Sin City home, anywhere in the globe!